Nick Klein

Nick Klein is an artist working in sound and art and sometimes sound art with a lean towards the social potential in those modalities as they interact. Klein has recorded a large amount of music and also has shown work in visual art contexts. Klein is uninterested in the prohibitive ideological tropes and circumstances that both contexts offer, and focuses the intent of his work on trying to see what productive energy comes from the friction between the two. Klein likes loud volume, cooking, offline community building, records, bars, synthesizers, and comedy. Klein is currently located in Berlin.

At Skaņu Mežs 2024, Nick Klein will give a live performance, and also present “Bone Setting”, an auditory sculptural installation, comprised of generative re-employments of site specific field recordings throughout Riga.

Nick Klein is a participating artist in the tekhnē project, supported by the European Union and The Ministry of Culture of Latvia. His performance at the festival is also supported by the Trust for Mutual Understanding and Goethe-Institut Riga.

Commissioned work: “Bone Setting”, an installation

“Bone Setting” is an auditory sculptural installation developed for Skaņu Mežs festival 2024 within the sound art project tekhnē, supported by the EU program Creative Europe. All audio is derived from localized areas throughout the city of Riga as a basis for spatial and formal abstraction in sonic and environmental implementation. During the exhibition, processed field recordings taken during the festival residency are reconstituted in a generative manner, stretching time, place, and tonality and collaging spatial contexts into new realms of sonic experience.

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