OGDL started as a musical collective with members from diverse backgrounds performing in constantly evolving constellations of players but gradually crystallised as a duo of Ozan Tezvaran and Gundega Graudina. They are based roughly in the midpoint between their cultures of Turkey and Latvia – in Linz, Austria. Here they look for further merging points of their practices, figuring out if opposites really attract. So far the answer is yes – Ozan’s flair for deconstructed club and visual communication and Gundega’s path as a classical guitarist turned experimental musician complement each other in surprising ways.

Drawing inspiration from postdigital lutherie, OGDL blends traditional musical instruments, digital technologies and things in between. Their concerts are a mixture of lullabies, screams, sad pop tunes with an oomph, tape loops, field recordings of closing doors, feedback and layered string textures, to name a few.

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