Organized by Skaņu Mežs festival for adventurous music in collaboration with Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, State Culture Capital Foundation and SHAPE+ platform, which is co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.
September 8 at bar “Aleponija”. Start: 17:00.
Khrystyna Kirik is a sound artist in experimental improvisational music and performative art. In her work, she explores the sensory state of sound perception focusing on transformation of everyday sonority using electronic hardware, double bass and piano pre recorded samples, voice, field recordings, and DIY sounding objects.
The main idea of the workshop is to focus on listening and sensory perception to allow participants to express themselves freely and explore the world of sound in a contemplative and playful way in a label-free space for joint experimentation. Exercises include energy body work, breathing exercises, vocalization, listening, and dream work. These workshops are open to everyone, regardless of musical experience.
This practice is intended to calm the mind and bring awareness to the body and its energy circulation, and to promote the appropriate attitude for extending receptivity to the entire space/time continuum of sound. This kind of receptivity is essential for creative activity in the arts and can be applicable to any discipline.
Admission is free.