Jacob Kirkegaard (Skaņa un telpa kā materiāli skaņu mākslā/Sound and Space as a material in Sound Art)


Jākobs Kirkegārds ir dāņu mākslinieks un mūziķis, kura darbi koncentrējas uz cilvēka skaņu uztveres estētiskiem un zinātniskiem aspektiem. Viņš pēta visdažādāko telpu akustiskās īpašības un skaņu formas, kuras cilvēka ausij nav acumirklīgi sadzirdamas. Viņa kompozīcijas un instalācijas mēdz būt radītas, izmantojot visdažādākos skaņu avotus, tostarp, vulkānu geizerus, pamestas telpas Černobiļā, televīzijas torņus un pat cilvēka organismu. Kirkegārds dzīvo Berlīne un ir absolvējis Mediju Mākslas akadēmiju Koloņā. Viņa skaņdarbus un instalāciju ierakstus visbiežāk izdod britu izdevniecība Touch. Kirkegārds ir arī skaņu mākslas kolektīva freq_out dalībnieks.

Danish artist Jacob Kirkegaard’s works are focused on scientific and aesthetic aspects of sonic perception. He explores acoustic spaces and phenomena that usually remain imperceptible to the immediate ear. Kirkegaard’s installations, compositions & photographs are created from within a variety of environments such as subterranean geyser vibrations, empty rooms in Chernobyl, a rotating TV tower, and even sounds from the human inner ear itself. Based in Berlin, Germany, Kirkegaard is a graduate of the Academy for Media Arts in Cologne. Since 1995, Kirkegaard has presented his works at galleries, museums, venues & conferences throughout the world. His sound works are primarily released by the British record label Touch and he is a member of the sound art collective freq_out. “For all the scientific rigour to Kirkegaard’s research into the sonic possibilities of various materials, his work reveals an underlying fascination for the mysteries and myths embedded in them. His work channels an access to an inner world.” Anne Hilde Neset, The Wire

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