Makss Īstlijs ir starptautiski atzīts mākslinieks, kas savā daiļradē apvieno kinētiskas skulptūras un skaņu, radot unikālu mākslas formu. Viņa skulptūras balansē starp dabisku, nepārveidotu vidi un cilvēka iejaukšanos tajā, kā instrumentus izmantojot tādas parādības kā elektrību, vēju, ūdeni un ledu.Viņa darbi mēdz būt eksponējami gan iekšdurvīs, gan ārdurvīs. Īstlijs ir labi pazīstams arī kā mūziķis, un ir spēlējis koncertus gan solo, gan dažādu elektisku grupu sastāvos, sadarbojoties ar tādām personībām kā Deivids Tūps (David Toop) un Evans Pārkers (Evan Parker). Kopš 2003. gada viņš ir Cape Farewell Climate Change Project dalībnieks un ir radījis tam vairākas instalācijas, kompozīcijas un performances.
Max Eastley is an internationally recognized artist who combines kinetic sculpture and sound into a unique art form. His sculptures exist on the border between the natural environment and human intervention and use the driving forces of electricity, wind, water and ice. He has exhibited both interior and exterior works internationally. His work is represented in the permanent collection of the Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany. He is also well known as a musician and has played concerts solo and with numerous eclectic groups of musicians including David Toop, Evan Parker. Since 2003 he has been an artist with the Cape Farewell Climate Change Project for whom he has created a number of installations, compositions and performances. He is currently an Arts and Humanities Research Council Senior Researcher at Oxford Brookes University, investigating Aeolian phenomena through artistic practice and historical research, and is currently involved in a project, Audible Forces, touring festivals in the UK with a group of artists using the wind as an energy source.